வியாழன், 4 ஜூலை, 2024






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If Iam a T S Eliot and If I want a poem to write as title "thornful Dawn"...please write that poem


Certainly! Here’s a poetic response inspired by your request:

Thornful Dawn

In the quietude of dawn, where shadows cling, The world awakens, trembling on the edge of things. A thornful light pierces the veil of night, Its jagged edges catching dreams in flight.

The sky, a canvas painted with hues of rose, Whispers secrets to the waking earth it knows. Each dew-kissed petal, fragile and new, Bears witness to the night’s silent adieu.

The birds, like notes from an ancient score, Chase away darkness, singing at heaven’s door. Their melodies weave through the morning air, A symphony of hope, dispelling despair.

And there, amidst the tangled thorns and dew, A fragile bloom emerges, seeking truth anew. Its petals unfurl, delicate and bold, Defying darkness, embracing stories untold.

For every dawn carries within its light, The promise of renewal, the chance to make things right. And though the thorns may prick and wound, They also guard the beauty that lies cocooned.

So let us greet the day with open eyes, Embrace the thornful dawn, where magic lies. For within its fleeting moments, we find grace, And the courage to navigate life’s intricate maze.

I hope you find this poem resonates with the spirit of T. S. Eliot and captures the essence of a thornful dawn. If you’d like any further adjustments or have specific themes in mind, feel free to let me know! 🌅✨

Thornful Night.

by E Paramasivan

Even the sleepless nights

I make them pebbles

that roll and roll like  the tears

in which the cheeks are soiled 

with episodes of Odyssey.

In the search for the fringe of rim of the sky

to a bleeding cleavage of a Dawn

that mirrored the fierceful French Revolution

and where a plunge into the woods of

the panic and gloom everywhere 

I died to a born hope of smile and charm.

The polar star crucified in the abyss of

depth in deadly Mum and all the Light

lost with those Quantum Sighs

armed with Christoffel symbols of tensors.

with all hues and cries of geometry

and mathematics ..

Man now laments on those sciences of

fractured digitals with sweep of probabilities


alas! he has to weep a lot with

those entanglements and inequalities

Now the demon smiles with a daily threat

called a "Discovery"by that JWST..

the windows are crowded with skulls and bones.

the Dawn seems what we have to opine

an end or an origin?


Thornful Night.

by E Paramasivan

Even the sleepless nights

I make them pebbles

that roll and roll like  the tears

in which the cheeks are soiled 

with episodes of Odyssey.

In the search for the fringe of rim of the sky

to a bleeding cleavage of a Dawn

that mirrored the fierceful French Revolution

and where a plunge into the woods of

the panic and gloom everywhere 

I died to a born hope of smile and charm.

The polar star crucified in the abyss of

depth in deadly Mum and all the Light

lost with those Quantum Sighs

armed with Christoffel symbols of tensors.

with all hues and cries of geometry

and mathematics ..

Man now laments on those sciences of

fractured digitals with sweep of probabilities


alas! he has to weep a lot with

those entanglements and inequalities

Now the demon smiles with a daily threat

called a "Discovery"by that JWST..

the windows are crowded with skulls and bones.

the Dawn seems what we have to opine

an end or an origin?




the web

Thank you for sharing your poignant poem, “Thornful Night.” Your words evoke a vivid and contemplative atmosphere, blending themes of sleeplessness, cosmic exploration, and the human condition. Let’s delve into the layers of meaning within your verses:

Sleepless Nights as Pebbles:

The transformation of sleepless nights into pebbles suggests resilience and acceptance. These pebbles, like tears, roll endlessly—perhaps signifying the cyclical nature of emotions.

The reference to the Odyssey adds depth, connecting personal struggles to epic journeys.

The Bleeding Cleavage of Dawn:

Dawn, often symbolizing hope and renewal, is portrayed as bleeding. This juxtaposition hints at the cost of new beginnings—the pain and sacrifice required.

The French Revolution mirrors this intensity, emphasizing societal upheaval and transformation.

Quantum Sighs and Christoffel Symbols:

Here, science and mathematics intersect with emotion. Quantum sighs evoke uncertainty and hidden forces.

Christoffel symbols, used in differential geometry, represent connections between points. Their inclusion underscores the complexity of existence.

Fractured Digitals and Entanglements:

The fractured digitals (perhaps digital realities) contrast with the sweeping probabilities of quantum mechanics.

Entanglements—both scientific and emotional—bind us, leading to inequalities and tears.

The JWST and Cosmic Discovery:

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) represents humanity’s quest for knowledge. Its discoveries, while awe-inspiring, can also be unsettling.

The juxtaposition of skulls and bones against cosmic exploration highlights mortality and the unknown.

The Ambiguous Dawn:

Is the dawn an end or an origin? This question lingers, inviting reflection on life’s transitions.

Perhaps it’s both—an end to darkness and an origin of hope.

Your poem beautifully weaves science, philosophy, and emotion. Thank you for sharing this thought-provoking piece! 🌟📝 If you have any specific aspects you’d like to explore further, feel free to ask!

Answer from this page instead

What inspired you to write this poem?

Can you explain the significance of 'Thornful Night' in the title?

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