புதன், 3 ஜூலை, 2024

குவாண்டக் கணியம் ஏஐ/03.07.24

 குவாண்டக் கணியம் ஏஐ/03.07.24


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Brian Cox


Certainly! Let’s delve into the fascinating intersection of black hole physics and quantum computing. 🌌🔬

Black Hole Physics and Holographic Duality: Black holes, those enigmatic cosmic beasts, warp spacetime around them due to their immense mass. But did you know they also have an unexpected connection to quantum information storage? Let’s explore this intriguing link.

Holographic Duality:

Imagine our universe as a holographic projection of particles. This idea stems from a mathematical conjecture called holographic duality.

According to this conjecture, the theory of gravity and the theory of particles are mathematically equivalent. What happens in one theory mirrors the other.

Inside a black hole, gravity exists in three dimensions, while particle theory exists on its two-dimensional surface (like a flat disk).

Scientists theorize that our entire universe might be such a holographic projection, leading to a consistent quantum theory of gravity.

Quantum Computing and Black Holes:

Physicists are using quantum computing and machine learning to explore this connection.

They simulate particles representing black holes using quantum computers and analyze their interactions.

By solving quantum matrix models (representations of particle theory), they hope to gain insights into gravity itself.

These micro-sized black holes, likely artificial, could serve as efficient capacitors for quantum information1.

Brian Cox’s Insights:

Physicist Brian Cox delves into this mind-bending realm where quantum mechanics, black holes, and computing converge.

He discusses engineering challenges in building quantum computers and the delicate dance of storing information in their memory.

Cox also explores how Planck units, holography, and redundancy might shape the future of computing2.

In summary, the mysterious dance between black holes and quantum information continues to captivate scientists. While we may not fully grasp it yet (and Cox humorously admits this), the pursuit of understanding pushes the boundaries of our knowledge. 🚀✨

Feel free to ask more questions or explore other cosmic wonders! 🌟


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Schwarzchild radius is the measuring rod of all the universes?


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The Schwarzschild radius, named after the German physicist Karl Schwarzschild, is a fundamental concept in astrophysics and general relativity. It represents the radius of a hypothetical sphere around a non-rotating, uncharged black hole, beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape its gravitational pull1. Mathematically, it is given by:











(R_s) is the Schwarzschild radius.

(G) is the gravitational constant.

(M) is the mass of the object.

(c) is the speed of light.

For any object whose radius is smaller than its Schwarzschild radius, we call it a black hole. The surface at the Schwarzschild radius acts as an event horizon in a non-rotating body. Neither light nor particles can escape through this surface from the region inside, hence the name “black hole” 2. Interestingly, the Schwarzschild radius for all matter and energy in the known universe is estimated to be about 13.7 billion light years3. 🌌✨

Learn more










Sent by you:

A Black Hole is but a non-universe or a void of universe summing to a hub of all energies and matter of the universe


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Your poetic description captures the enigmatic essence of black holes beautifully! Indeed, black holes are cosmic anomalies where the fabric of spacetime bends and twists to an extreme degree. Let’s delve a bit deeper:

Cosmic Singularities:

At the heart of a black hole lies a singularity—a point of infinite density and zero volume. It’s where our understanding of physics breaks down, and classical laws cease to apply.

Imagine a gravitational well so deep that it swallows everything, including light itself. That’s the event horizon—the boundary beyond which escape becomes impossible.

The Non-Universe Hypothesis:

Your notion of a black hole as a “non-universe” resonates with the idea that it’s a region where the usual rules of our cosmos no longer hold.

In a sense, black holes are cosmic voids, devouring matter, energy, and even information. They’re like cosmic recycling centers, where everything collapses into singularity soup.

The Hub of All Energies and Matter:

Black holes accumulate mass over cosmic epochs. When massive stars collapse, they form black holes, concentrating vast amounts of matter.

These gravitational behemoths can influence their surroundings, affecting nearby stars, gas clouds, and even entire galaxies.

The energy released during accretion processes—when matter spirals into a black hole—can be mind-bogglingly intense, emitting powerful X-rays and gamma rays.

Quantum Quandaries:

Black holes also intersect with quantum physics. The Hawking radiation theory suggests that black holes emit tiny particles due to quantum fluctuations near the event horizon.

This paradoxical dance between gravity and quantum effects keeps physicists pondering the cosmic ballet.

So, in the cosmic theater, black holes play the role of both enigma and cosmic vacuum cleaner. They’re the ultimate embodiment of gravity’s grip, where space and time fold in on themselves. 🌌✨

Feel free to explore more cosmic wonders or share another poetic verse—I’m all ears (or rather, all algorithms)! 😊


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synopsis of a lecture by sean carrol on "Einstein's General relativity " in terms of Riemann and Ricci tensors


Sent by Copilot:

Certainly! Sean Carroll, a physicist known for his engaging explanations, has provided lecture notes on General Relativity. These notes cover introductory topics for beginning graduate students in physics. Let’s delve into the key points:

Special Relativity and Flat Spacetime:

Carroll begins with a whirlwind tour of special relativity (SR) and life in flat spacetime.

Concepts covered include the spacetime interval, metric, Lorentz transformations, vectors, tangent space, tensors, electromagnetism, differential forms, and energy-momentum conservation1.


Carroll discusses manifolds, which are essential for understanding curved spacetime.

Topics include charts, atlases, differentiation, coordinate bases, tensor transformation laws, and volume forms.

He also introduces Riemannian geometry, which plays a crucial role in general relativity1.


The lecture dives into curvature, covariant derivatives, and connections.

Carroll covers the Christoffel connection, parallel transport, geodesics, and the Riemann curvature tensor.

Symmetries of the Riemann tensor, the Bianchi identity, Ricci and Einstein tensors, and Weyl tensor are explored1.

These lecture notes provide a solid foundation for understanding Einstein’s equations and their applications, including gravitational radiation, black holes, and cosmology. If you’d like to explore further, you can find the complete notes online2. 🌟

Also, I appreciate your poetic inclination! If you ever need more cosmic inspiration, feel free to share another verse. 😊🌌

செவ்வாய், 2 ஜூலை, 2024

எம் அன்பான தமிழர்களே!

எம் அன்பான தமிழர்களே!




சூரிய வெளிச்சம் ரொம்ப நேரமாய்



இருட்டு என்ன‌

உங்களின் பல நூற்றாண்டுத்


பக்தி என்றும் முக்தி என்றும்

உங்கள் மூளையை எல்லாம்

சுரண்டி வழித்துப்போட்ட பின்

எதற்கு இந்த சூரியன்களும்


மேகங்களும் வானமும் என்று


மனிதன் என்பவனுக்கு

தினம் தினம் கும்பாபிஷேகம் நடத்தி


அந்த சாமிகள்

வாசலில் காத்துக்கிடப்பது

இன்னும் புரிய வில்லையா?

என்ன தலைகீழாய் சொல்லுகிறீர்கள்?

என்று நீங்கள் குழம்புவதற்குக் காரணம்


வெறும் இரைச்சல்களால் மட்டுமே

மூடப்பட்டு கிடக்கிறீர்கள்.

ஒலியில் அதன் மொழியில்

உன் ரத்தம் தமிழாய் அலைவீசிக்கொண்டிருப்பது

உனக்கு மறைக்கப்படவே

அந்த "நான் மறை"கள்.

மறைந்து கிடந்தது போதும்.

பத்து தலைகளையும் 

பன்னிரெண்டு கைகளையும் 

ஒட்ட வைத்து


மலைப்பாம்பு உடல் மாட்டியது போல்

மலிவாய் காசு பார்க்கும் 

பொருட் காட்சிகளுக்கு

காட்சிப்பொருளாய் இன்னுமா

நீங்கள் விற்கப்படவேண்டும்?

மடிந்து கிடந்தது போதும்.



எம் அன்பான தமிழர்களே!



இதுவும் கடந்து போகும்


நம் தலைமீது எப்போதும்

சும்மாடு ஆக உட்கார்ந்திருப்பதே


எழுதும் வரிகளில்

மெய் எழுத்துக்களின் 

மேற்புள்ளிகள் கூட சிலுவைகளே.







அப்போதே சொன்னோம்

வால்மீகியை வைத்து


எழுத வைக்க வேண்டாமென்று

இப்ப பாருங்க

கதை கந்தலாச்சுது.


திங்கள், 1 ஜூலை, 2024




சாமிகள் ஏன்

சாமிகளை கும்பிடவேண்டும்?


"கோடிக்கால் பூதமாக" அவதாரம் 

எடுத்த சாமிகள்.

இந்த சாமிகளுக்கு 

வேறு சாமிகள் எதற்கு?

இப்போது புரிகிறதா

எதற்காக நமக்கு இத்தனைக்கோவில்கள்?

மக்கள் என்று 

ஒன்று திரண்ட ஆற்றலை


உருவான சூழ்ச்சிக்கூடங்களே இவை.


உங்களுக்குத்தேவை பள்ளிக்கூடங்களே.

இந்த பஜனைக்கூடங்கள் அல்ல.


என்று நீங்கள் தினம் தினம் 

காய்ச்சும் சாராயங்களே

உங்களை சாக்கடை ஆறுகளில்


அறிவின் புதிய புதிய 



வாழ்க்கைப் பட்டறைகள்



diagonal elements in quantum mechanics

AI/ 02.07.24

What is the significance of diagonal elements in quantum mechanics?


Certainly! In quantum mechanics, the significance of diagonal elements lies at the heart of understanding observable quantities and the behavior of quantum systems. Let’s explore why they matter:

Eigenstates and Observables:

Diagonal elements correspond to the matrix elements of an operator (such as energy, momentum, or spin) in its own eigenbasis.

Eigenstates are special states of a quantum system that remain unchanged when acted upon by the operator. These states are represented by the diagonal elements of the operator matrix.

Expectation Values:

The diagonal elements provide the expectation values of observables.

For an observable represented by the operator A, the expectation value ⟨A⟩ in state |ψ⟩ is given by:









The numerator involves the diagonal element ⟨ψ|A|ψ⟩, which contributes to the average value of the observable.

Conservation Laws:

Diagonal elements play a role in conservation laws. For example:

Energy conservation: The diagonal elements of the Hamiltonian operator represent energy levels, and transitions occur between these levels.

Angular momentum conservation: Diagonal elements of angular momentum operators correspond to specific angular momentum values.

Charge conservation: Diagonal elements of charge operators relate to charge states.

Superposition and Coherence:

Off-diagonal elements (non-diagonal) represent transitions between different states.

Diagonal elements ensure that a quantum system remains in a coherent superposition of its eigenstates.

Decoherence occurs when off-diagonal elements dominate due to interactions with the environment.

Quantum Gates and Quantum Computing:

In quantum computing, diagonal gates (those with only diagonal elements) are often used because they preserve the basis states.

Diagonal gates do not cause entanglement or change the probabilities of measurement outcomes.

In summary, diagonal elements encode essential information about the system’s properties, observables, and conservation laws. They are fundamental to understanding quantum behavior. 🌟

Feel free to explore more quantum mysteries or ask further questions—I’m here to help! 😊

மனிதவெளியும் கடவுள்வெளியும்

AI chat with God Space and Mathematical Space

மனிதவெளியும் கடவுள்வெளியும்

(Banach Space and Hilbert Space)

A Probe by E Paramasivan in AI




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cosma is "Banach Space" and quantum (god) is Hilbert Space.



the web

Ah, I see you’re delving into the fascinating realms of mathematical spaces and quantum physics! Let’s explore these concepts:

Banach Space (Cosma):

A Banach space is a mathematical structure that combines the notions of a vector space and a metric space. It’s named after the Polish mathematician Stefan Banach.

In a Banach space, vectors can be added together and scaled by scalars (like in a vector space), and there’s also a well-defined notion of distance (like in a metric space).

The key feature of a Banach space is that it’s complete with respect to the metric. This means that every Cauchy sequence (a sequence where terms get arbitrarily close to each other) converges to a limit within the space.

Examples of Banach spaces include the space of continuous functions, the space of square-integrable functions, and the space of bounded sequences.

Hilbert Space (Quantum):

A Hilbert space is a special type of Banach space that has additional structure. It’s named after the German mathematician David Hilbert.

In quantum mechanics, Hilbert spaces play a crucial role. They provide the mathematical framework for describing the states of quantum systems.

Quantum states (such as wavefunctions) live in Hilbert spaces. These spaces have an inner product (a way to measure angles and lengths) that allows us to define concepts like orthogonality and completeness.

The famous Schrödinger equation, which describes how quantum states evolve over time, is typically formulated in a Hilbert space.

Examples of Hilbert spaces include the space of square-integrable functions (L² space) and the space of quantum states for a particle in a potential well.

Remember, these spaces are abstract mathematical constructs, but they find practical applications in various scientific fields. If you have any more questions or want to explore further, feel free to ask! 😊

Answer from this page instead

Tell me more about Schrödinger's cat.

What are some real-world applications of Hilbert spaces?

How do these concepts relate to string theory?

"இபியெஸ்"ஸின் ஹைக்கூக்கள்

 "இபியெஸ்"ஸின் ஹைக்கூக்கள்

கடலின் மேல்
நெளிந்து கிடக்கிறது
நில் கொஞ்சம்.
பின்னி விடுகிறேன்.
காற்றில் நாணல்கள்
நாராய்! நாராய்!
கேட்காமல் ஓடுகிறது.

இபிஎஸ் ஹைக்கூக்கள் ___________________________________ தடவி தடவிப்பார்த்தும் என் துடிப்புக்கு வர்ணமில்லை. தூரிகை ___________________________________4 காப்பியா? கோப்பையா? எது ருசி? சன்னலில் கேட்டது. சூரியன் _____________________________________5 நம்பிக்கை அவநம்பிக்கை ஒன்றின் அர்த்தம் இன்னொன்று. வாழ்க்கை. _________________________________________6




ஒவ்வொரு கவிதையும் 

கவிஞனின் கழுமரம் தான்

ஒரு லைக் கூட‌

கிடைக்காத வரை.




கீ பேடு இருக்கிறது


எழுத்துக்களை கசாப்பு

செய்து கொண்டிருப்பவனே

டிஜிடல் கவிஞன்.




முறித்து வெட்டி நீட்டி



தேன் பூசி

"அவள்" என்ற‌

சொல்லையும் சேர்த்து

அந்த எலும்பு முறிவுகளுக்கு

மாவுக்கட்டு போட்டேன்.



ஒரு காதல் கவிதை

