rosy phrases
they manipulate with their
bits or bytes end even qubits
and they set to a verbal butchery
called chat.bots coupled with
AI warp fiction virtualities.
their poems out mind and
out brain with silicon nerves and fleshes
when impulsed electric charges
wedded with neuronic up-heavels.
their synthetic purkinje cells and
synoptic junctions deceive all
true charms of life and latitudes.
Let the poetry eat its own blue
and green and red
from those silly meadows and boughs
and furious suns of promising "easts"
Corporatism mars the very heart and spirit
down to the earth with dirty dust and
heaps of deadly lust of bit-coins
and all that painful Despotism
hovering on these meek and feeble
multitudes that are rosy phrases of
democracy where always these skeletons
manifest the mortuary of digital corpses.
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